
Bengbu No.3 hospital takes the lead in establishing Wanbei chronic wound specialist Alliance

On the afternoon of August 15, Bengbu No.3 hospital held the signing and unveiling ceremony of Wanbei chronic wound repair professional Union, which marked the formal establishment of Wanbei chronic wound repair professional alliance led by Bengbu No.3 hospital and nine secondary and tertiary medical institutions in Northern Anhui. Professor Cai Chen, Department of burn and wound repair, First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Professor Fang Linsen, Department of burn and plastic surgery, Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Professor Zhao Zunjiang, Department of burn and plastic surgery, Lu'an people's Hospital, Professor Yu Hanfeng, vice president Zhang Xu, director of burn and orthopedic department, Professor Zhang Xiangzhou, director of burn and plastic surgery department of Bengbu Third Hospital, as well as responsible persons of relevant medical institutions attended the ceremony. Dr. Liu Jisong, deputy director of the Department of burn and plastic surgery, presided over the meeting.
Professor Fang Linsen and others expressed their support for the alliance. President Yu Hanfeng said that through the establishment of the alliance, we should build a communication platform, actively explore cooperation, and carry out wound repair and prevention cooperation in technical support, academic exchange, scientific research and other aspects, so as to form a joint force, effectively improve the medical service ability of chronic wound repair in Northern Anhui Province and better serve patients.
After that, vice president Zhang Xu signed a contract with the members of Wanbei chronic wound repair Association. President Yu Hanfeng, vice president Zhang Xu, Professor Fang Linsen, Professor Cai Chen, etc. awarded the license for Wanbei chronic wound repair professional alliance.
Zhang Xiangzhou and Liu Jisong respectively introduced the Department of burns and plastic surgery of Bengbu No.3 hospital: the vice-chairman unit of burn and plastic surgery of Anhui Province of Chinese Medical Association, which is also the provincial key cultivation specialty and Bengbu key support specialty, and won the title of "3221" industrial innovation team. It is the regional burn treatment center of Anhui Province, which undertakes the emergency of burns in Bengbu City and even in Northern Anhui Province More than 1000 burn patients were treated every year. After the establishment of Wanbei chronic wound repair professional alliance, it will be committed to promoting the construction of cooperation system jointly built by wound repair disciplines at all levels of medical institutions, providing high-quality, convenient and continuous professional and standardized services for patients with chronic wounds and stoma, further improving the medical service capacity of chronic wound repair in Northern Anhui, promoting the overall development of health services in Northern Anhui, and solving the problem of medical treatment for the common people Question.